¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Belize COVID-19 Regulations Update

The Ministry of Health held a press conference on Friday morning outlining new regulations and updated current regulations that will be taking effect as of midnight on Sunday, December 20th, 2020 and will last for 14-days.

A quick run down of what was said is:

  1. The nationwide curfew for adults will be from 8pm to 5am.
    • For minors it will be from 6pm to 5am.
  2. The sales of alcohol will be prohibited from 6pm to 5am daily.
  3. The entry and exit to Corozal and Orange Walk Districts will not be allowed with the exception of “travel for essential reasons” such as doctors appointments, frontline workers, etc,
    • Travel within districts will also not be allowed with the exception of “travel for essential reasons”. (Ex. no traveling from one village to the next or from a village to the town without a valid reason)
  4. Businesses will be held responsible for ensuring staff and clients follow all COVID-19 Safety Protocols (social distancing, properly wearing masks, etc.).
    • Any business caught not doing so will be fined $5,000 and risk losing their business license.
    • Employees of the business caught not doing so will be fined $200 each.
  5. Public Transportation and Businesses must operate at a 50% capacity.
    • 50% capacity of businesses depends on the size of the building.
  6. All households can not have more than 10 people who do not live there visiting at any given time.
    • With the exception of a household that currently contains 10 or more people living there.
  7. All weddings, funerals, church services, etc. can only have 10 people in attendance.
    • This number does not include the Priest/Pastor, bride, groom, or anyone essential for the event to take place.

For a full rundown on all of the new and updated COVID-19 regulations, check out our video below.