¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Belizean Kills His Ex Girlfriend’s American Husband And Kidnaps His Daughter!

Cayo Police report that around 10:00 pm on Tuesday, June 9th 60-year-old American National, Robert Hurley was at his home, located on the Benque Viejo Road just outside of San Ignacio, along with his spouse, Sheldeen Evans when they were attacked by Evan’s ex-boyfriend, David Valencia.

According to the report, Valencia broke into the home and stabbed Robert Hurley in front of his spouse Sheldeen Evans, her 9-year-old daughter and her niece who was visiting at the time.

Valencia then fled the scene along with his daughter whom he shared custody of with Evans.

* UPDATE: Police Officers were able to apprehend David Valencia and safely get his daughter back to her mother after being tipped off that he was traveling out of the district of Cayo via public transportation on Wednesday afternoon.