¿Que Pasa Corozal?
Belizean Man Found Dead Raheem Usher

Belizean Man Found Dead in Orange Walk Raises Questions

The body of a missing Belizean man found dead early Thursday in San Antonio Village, Orange Walk. Authorities identified the victim as Raheem Usher, who had been missing for a month.

Usher’s remains were inside a black garbage bag, his hands cuffed, and two gunshot wounds to the forehead. His head was wrapped in transparent plastic. Despite vanishing in late January, reports suggest no visible decomposition, raising concerns about how and when he died.

Local residents first noticed unusual activity around 3 a.m. before discovering the body at dawn. One villager claimed a message was placed on Usher’s chest, written on a piece of cardboard. Authorities have not yet disclosed its contents.

Usher was last seen in Libertad before his disappearance. Investigators are determining whether he was recently killed or if his body had been stored elsewhere before being dumped.

Authorities continue investigating the circumstances surrounding the Belizean man found dead, urging anyone with information to come forward.


The body also bore a chilling handwritten message on a sheet of cardboard that purportedly named local police officers from the Corozal formation, accusing them of involvement in drug trafficking, stating they “continue to bring down planes with drugs.”

Disturbingly, one of the officers mentioned in the note is Usher’s relative.

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