¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Corozal Town Goes Blue! PUP Win Both Municipal And By-Election!

After a long night of ballot counting the official results are in and both the positions of Corozal Bay Standard Bearer and Corozal Town Council have been won by the People’s United Party!

Congratulations to the winners and we hope to work closely with them to continue bringing you everything news related when it comes to Corozal.

Here is a list of the official voting count for the Municipal Election:

Candidates PUP:Votes:
Rigo Vellos (Mayor)2885 (Winner)
Hilberto Clarke2989 (Winner)
Miguel Montalvo2939 (Winner)
Rodolfo Narvaez2927 (Winner)
Baldemar Pech Jr.2971 (Winner)
Otoniel Riverol (Most Votes)3055 (Winner)
Marleni Tapia2936 (Winner)
Candidates UDP:Votes:
Roger Arana2035
Christobal Babb2094
Marycelbi Barahona1974
Jaime Bautista1951
Julie Castro2073
Navin Ghanwani2006
Vanesa Vasquez1928

Here are the official results for the By-Election for Corozal Bay Standard Bearer:

Elvia Vega Samos (PUP)2659 (Winner)
Hilberto Campos (UDP)1428