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New US Ambassador to Belize, Andre Bauer

Donald Trump Nominates New US Ambassador To Belize

A new US Ambassador to Belize has been announced, according to the White House’s official website (whitehouse.gov).

Newly nominated US Ambassador to Belize, Andre Bauer

US President Donald Trump has nominated Former South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer.

Bauer was the nation’s youngest lieutenant governor when he took office in 2003 at age 33.

He held the post until 2011. He was the National Chairman of the Republican Lieutenant Governor Association in 2005 and he appeared as a political analyst and commentator on CNN from 2016 to 2019.

He also served as a Major in the South Carolina State Guard from 2010 to 2015 and has also worked in real estate development since 1991.

Belize has not had a US Ambassador since Carlos Moreno left office in early 2017.