¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Fifth COVID-19 Positive Patient Passes Away In Belize

A fifth COVID-19 positive patient has passed away today in Belize.

According to her family, 74-year-old Iris Barillas was having trouble with her heart and was taken to the Belmopan Medical Center where they placed a heart tracker on her to monitor her heart and was supposed to go back on Thursday, August 5th to have it removed and have the results reviewed.

Upon reaching back home on Thursday she claimed to still not be feeling well and that she was having stomach problems, experiencing tiredness and could not eat.

Upon hearing all of the COVID-19 related symptoms her family decided to rush her back to the Belmopan Medical Center where they tested her for COVID-19 and the results came back positive.

Later in the day she began having breathing problems, they conducted an X-ray which came back showing that she was also suffering from pneumonia.

Barillas was immediately rushed to the Karl Huesner Memorial Hospital where she had been slipping in and out of a coma until today, Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 when she reportedly passed away.

Iris Barillas is reported to be related to Dr. Marvin Manzanero.