¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Government Of Belize Places The Villages Of Blue Creek And San Felipe Under State Of Emergency!

Due to the large number of border jumpers being caught in the villages of Blue Creek and San Felipe in the Orange Walk District, the Ministry of National Security by recommendations by the Ministry of Health has decided for the safety of all Belizeans to place both villages under a month-long State of Emergency.

The State of Emergency will include a curfew from 8:00 PM to 4:59 AM for all adults and a curfew from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM for all minors.

The Ministry of Health report that this was deemed necessary as Orange Walk currently has 15 COVID-19 positive patients who were all caught illegally entering the country of Belize via Blue Creek and San Felipe.

The Ministry of Health will also be increasing tests in both villages as they expect a cluster of new cases will appear within these communities due to the frequent activity of border jumpers.