¿Que Pasa Corozal?

One Hundred And Fifty-Six People Caught Breaking State Of Emergency Regulations Over The Weekend!

The Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams, informs that a total of 156 people were arrested and charged over the weekend for breaking regulations made during the State of Emergency.

Sixty-Three people were charged for “Failure to wear a mask”.

Fifty-One people were charged for “Breach of curfew”.

Thirty people were charged for “Being unable to provide a reasonable explanation or proof of reason for movement outside of curfew”.

Eight people were charged for “Failure to practice social distancing”.

Meanwhile four individuals were separately charged, the first for “Cross district movement without a valid reason”, the second for “Attempting to enter Belize illegally”, the third for “Failure to comply with Directives by Quarantine Authority” and the fourth for “Engaging in Private Practice while prohibited to do so”.

Of note, Belize is reaching twenty-eight days without any new COVID-19 cases and we must all do our part in social distancing and abiding by all the regulations made in order for the country to reopen and things to return back to normal.