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San Ignacio Armed Robbery

San Ignacio Armed Robbery: Gunmen Raid Reimers Feed Mill

A San Ignacio armed robbery occurred Saturday at Reimers Feed Mill in the Savannah Area of San Ignacio Town. Two masked men stormed the business around midday, held employees and customers at gunpoint, and escaped with cash and valuables.

Cashier Larissa Mesh was assisting a customer when the armed robbers entered. Both men wore full-face motorcycle helmets and fishermen’s masks. One suspect attacked a male customer, forcing him to the ground, while another female customer was ordered to lie down.

The gunmen then looted the cash register and robbed customers of personal belongings before fleeing. Surveillance footage captured their entry, but the criminals tampered with in-store cameras to avoid identification.

Police are actively investigating the San Ignacio armed robbery and have detained a suspect from Georgeville.

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