¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Several Contraband Smugglers Caught Over The Weekend

The Belize Police Department held several special operations over the weekend targeting well-known contraband smugglers as well as well-known areas along the border used for crossing the river to smuggle contraband from Mexico.

A number of people were detained containing contraband items and have been placed into mandatory quarantine where they will serve two-weeks before being arrested and charged for the crime of Border Jumping.

The following contraband items were confiscated:

  • 37 Cans of Superior Beer (355ml)
  • 30 Cans of Tecate Beer (355ml)
  • 10 Bottles of Tecate Beer (355ml)
  • 10 Bottles of Big Cola (3.3 litres)
  • 62 Bottles of Dos Equis Beer (355ml)
  • 2 Bottles of Coca Cola (2.5 litres)
  • 1 Bottle of Bellita Beer (355ml)
  • 1 Bottle of Cola (3.3 litres)
  • 1 Bottle of Del Valle Orange Juice (3 litres)
  • 3 Bottles of Caña Real Rum (500ml)