¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Sixty-Five People Charged For Violating State Of Emergency Regulations

The Belize Police Department report that on Monday, April 27th, 65 people were arrested and charged throughout the country of Belize for several violations of the regulations put in place during the State of Emergency.

One person was charged for breaking a regulation under Statutory Instrument 59, Environmental Protection which prohibits the open burning of Refuse and other Combustible Matter.

Three people were summoned for cross village movement.

Thirty people were charged for being unable to provide reasons for movement outside of the curfew period.

Twenty-two people were charged for breach of curfew.

Five people were charged for failing to practice Social Distancing.

Four people were charged for keeping their business establishment open when required to be closed.

Three people were charged for operating Public Transportation outside the specified time.

One person was charged for hosting a restricted Social Event.

One person was charged for burning garbage on a private land.