¿Que Pasa Corozal?

Two Female Smugglers Detained For Border Jumping

Orange Walk Police report that two women from Guinea Grass were arrested and will be charged for border jumping after they were caught illegally crossing the Northern Border with contraband goods.

According to the report, the Orange Walk Mobile Interdiction Team were in the area of August Pine Ridge when they saw a large canoe, loaded with contraband goods, entering a channel near the rice field.

Upon arriving to where the canoe had docked, two women were found unloading the contraband and as Police Officers identified themselves the women scattered in different directions.

Officers managed to catch up to both women and escorted them back to the canoe where they found vegetables, sodas, alcoholic beverages, clothing, and various assorted food items and other household products.

The two women, later identified as 44-year-old, Dina Sanchez and 23-year-old, Jennifer Garrido, both of Guinea Grass were handed over to the Orange Walk Customs Department along with the Contraband Goods, the 16-foot Canoe that was used to cross the river and a blue in color Pickup Truck that was parked nearby.
